Rösli’s first journey happened on March 31st, 2018, starting in Wijnegem at 7.15 AM and arriving in Boom at 4.45 PM, the shipyard for the 5-yearly technical control and for Rösli’s first major transformations.
Thank you for the safe trip, Captain Charel !
Cleaning & control of the hull… We still cannot realize the size of the ship, certainly not after seeing Rösli on dry dock !
The evolution of the transformation was impressive. As our home is not that far from the shipyard, we spent many days and some nights there to take part in the progress of the installation of the terrace on 3 levels, with 2 of them covered by a recycled roof. And of course the stairs between those levels to get access to the hold that is going to be transformed little by little into an event location.
In total, we went 3 times to Boom. We definitely left the shipyard in November 2018 heading for Vilvoorde where we have found a very nice place to settle for a while…
Our next visit to the shipyard will be in 2023 for technical control (mandatory every 5 years).
Thank you guys from Marintec !
From hold to event room
Rösli in Vilvoorde (Steenkaai)
In November 2018, Rösli moved to Vilvoorde, not far from the Kruitfabriek, a cultural location as vintage as our ship. We couldn’t find a better place to settle for a while not only because of the perfect match, but also because we are big fans of the concept.
On May 3rd 2020, we should have presented Rösli to you during the famous “Waterfeesten”. But the Covid-19 came in-between…
As soon as the sanitary crisis will be over, we would be glad to see you on board and present the different rental possibilities: if you wish to celebrate a special event, or if you need an original place for a film or a photo shoot, if you are looking for a quiet space for a conference, or a nice meeting room, or enough space for a pop-up project, and so on…
There are many options and we look forward to revealing them to you.
There are still some works in the pipeline, because we want to make Rösli green and independent from external energy supply. But this will be another chapter, hopefully this year…